
Acacia + Ana

The summer of 2008, I was about a year into living in South Beach and six months into shooting models. Ana (the blonde) and I somehow met up and talked about shooting. She had a friend, Acacia, with her and they were visiting from somewhere. New York, I think. In any event, they decided they …

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Ade and I met through mutual friends. As Ade was into yoga, we planned the shoot around that with her striking various poses on the beach. Ade was awesome. I wish we had met much sooner than we had. Two photographic peculiarities with this shoot: 1) we shot all of this in crazy harsh and …

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One of the great things about the small towns in Costa Rica (and really, anywhere) is that you know everyone if you don’t at least know of them. So Allison was visiting a friend at a neighboring cabina in Jaco one day and we were introduced. We set up our first shoot for the next …

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Alyssa was the first model I photographed from North Carolina after moving to the state. Shot in the early months of the COVID-19 lockdown, we planned from the outset to be cautious. In reality, there was far more risk going to pick up groceries than our socially-distanced shoot. You remember. From the start of the …

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Amber’s shoot was a great one-off shoot. I was back in the states, having returned from Costa Rica and was temporarily living in North Carolina while I recuperated from dengue fever. Was getting cabin fever and somehow I connected with Amber. Can’t remember if I found her or she found me but either way, I …

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Hands down, Andy is one of the coolest people I know. And one of the sexiest. And she has the most intoxicating accent. When I met Andy in Jaco, she ran Rasta Rica, a small business built entirely around all of her own hand-crafted footwear and jewelry. Sandal-less sandals (see photos) and body chains. All …

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Ashley and I were actually coworkers when we met at a little sandwich shop on the beach. I always thought she had a really cool look and style so we did a couple of fashion shoots around South Beach. Super cool human.

Ava Addams

Ava was referred to me by Renna even though Renna and I had never met, let alone shot. It was because she liked my photos of Britney (who she was friends with) that Renna sent Ava my way. At the time, Ava had been known for being in one of Playboy’s special editions. Something about …

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Catrina was visiting Miami and while she was there, she and I scheduled a shoot. Very laid back shoot. I picked her up at her hotel, we drove to the metro station and then over to Little Havana, shooting some in Domino Park, a landmark to the area.


At the time I met Christie, she was right on the cusp of beginning a career in the adult industry. I think she might have done one or two shoots. When we shot, her… let’s call him partner… was there and that was one of the only times where a male has been present who …

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My first shoot with Cindy was really a shoot with Leidy and Cindy at a local hotel, Doce Lunas. I had seen her around (Jaco is a super small town) but we hadn’t met prior to that day. I was always surprised that she didn’t model more than she did. I mean, she has THE …

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Most everywhere that I live, I like to keep an ad running on craigslist, searching for models. Cre responded to one of my ads and sent along some photos. I liked her look; awesome bedroom eyes. So she came over for a shoot and we did two sets, one on the couch and then one …

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Daniela caught my eye from the first time I saw her. It was on the main drag in Jaco and she came whipping by on skates, twirling and swaying from side to side. Just right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of life, there she was, skating by. Pretty soon after that, I …

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Something that always stands out in my mind with this shoot is actually getting to the location. Dubraska rode on the back of my scooter and as we were getting close to the spot, I cut a hard left in front of a car coming towards us. We weren’t hit and there was no real …

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Emma had a travel notice up on ModelMayhem that she would be coming to the area so I reached out to set up a shoot. She’s the only woman I’ve shot that supports herself entirely from modeling. And she is as sweet as she is professional. Emma actually takes part regularly with this outfit that …

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Shooting with Fox was an utterly super experience. After I shot Valkyrie, she had suggested shooting with Fox in Columbia. An excellent, excellent suggestion. The two days that we shot together were just stellar. It was such a good and unique vibe. I entirely meant to shoot Fox and Valkyrie individually while I was there …

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It thrills me to no end to find local models who I know I’m going to work with regularly. And Emmy appears to fall exactly into that category. Just a beautiful person and super fun and easy to work with. Our first shoot went just about as well as it could. While it ran longer …

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Another beautiful person I met in Costa Rica was Irmina. And I don’t know how we met, but then, how does anyone meet in Costa Rica? Friend of a friend, I’m sure. In any event, we did two brief shoots over a week’s time.

Jen Capone

Jen and I did three shoots together over the course of a little over a year. She had been referred to me from Katie Cummings, another adult starlet, who I had previously shot. She was starring in adult films when we met but the first couple of shoots were pretty standard fare: stripdowns and erotica. …

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Funny story about Jess. So some media outlet was having some sort of competition looking for photographers and I was really excited about it. After looking for a model, Jess came to the forefront. So our first shoot was all about this. Shot under the causeway going from Miami to the beach. I rarely hire …

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Julz was another model I shot for the Costa Rican news/entertainment website the summer of ’14 when I was back in the states. Luckily for me, Julz was visiting from California at the time. She had been a regular model for Wicked Weasel for a while and so had a plethora of tiny, sheer bikinis. …

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At the time I met Karol, I had been photographing models for about eight months. Compositionally, I was beginning to find my way and I was decidedly by then all about the natural/available light. I have no recollection at all of how she and I crossed paths. What I DO recall is that she lived …

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Katie Cummings

Katie Cummings was one of the earliest models I shot when I decided I wanted to start running my own adult site. Never really invested the time, money, or energy into properly building the site up so I ended up with just these random photo sets and solo scenes from various models, Katie being among …

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One of the models I photographed at the start of my photographic journey, Katja was altogether different. Visiting the area at the time (when I lived in South Beach), Katja fit none of the Miami norms for modeling and she was so captivating. Her eyes. Definitely her eyes. In fact, so much so that she …

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Katrina may have been the first model I shot when I moved back to the states. I had finally recuperated from dengue fever (which I had picked up in Costa Rica) and was aching to shoot. Somehow, Katrina and I connected. Wasn’t overly familiar with Charlotte when we shot there. But NoDa is this little …

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Kendra was one of the models I shot specifically for a weekly feature running in a news/entertainment site out of Costa Rica at the time. Shot really well. I wish I had done more justice to her eyes because they were just beautiful.


One of the first models I photographed, I was always a tremendous fan of Kesley. Not only was she a pleasant person but she was just so great to shoot. It always felt like a collaborative effort. And she was the first person who I photographed for more than three hours at once with our …

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For some reason, at the end of 2016, I made it my mission to start shooting more models more often. I think I photographed about four different models that month. In any event, Kristina was one of those models. Met her through someone else and immediately brought up shooting because she’s just beautiful. We only …

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Krystal Hart

One of the challenges I was giving myself when I lived in Tampa was to try to maximize using this simple white space for shoots. Prior to moving there, I was generally shooting in places that had a feeling to them. And this studio/room was a blank canvas. Krystal shot well in there. Loved the …

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Leidy was one of the coolest people I knew in Jaco. We had mutual friends and actually, I think it was my best friend there that introduced us. Our first shoot started on the road outside of my little cabina there before heading down to the beach. Running into the guy with the horse was …

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