I’ve mentioned previously that my headspace has been shifting with regards to photography. Sort of an overall shift, from what I want to shoot to how I want to shoot. Even to why I want to shoot. Today marks the beginning of the new era.
I tend to look at my years in photography in groups. Freshman year denoting the earliest period of time through till senior year, followed by an internship, couple of gap years in the middle, and then onto post-grad work before finally getting to actual work. Entry level/low level employment is kind of where I classify my years since arriving in the Carolinas, god, going on five years now. Sort of like working in the mail room. The time frames don’t flow exactly year to year but they map out pretty well into clearly defined time periods on paper.
Today marks the beginning of the next chapter. I’ve accepted a new position. Which I created for myself. At Scott Corp. I’m moving on to bigger and better things.
In this new “position,” I’m going to be shooting with different technology and using that technology in a different way than I have in almost all previous years.
It’s all manual focus from here on out. And I’m changing up my lens game. And other gear. It’s going to take a little adjustment on my end, but it already feels better. I’ve been doing the work to get me here so I feel good about this space. I have two more lenses coming and that should do it for now. In terms of lenses, at least. But I can’t say that for certain. Definitely not going to be a gear head, but I’m going to be doing a lot more exploratory work and a good bit of experimentation. It’s beyond time for this shift.
Still going to be shooting the same subject matter. And then some.
Here are a few sample shots from the yard with the first lens to arrive. It’s a Pentax 35mm Super Takumar f3.5 and, based on what I can tell, it was manufactured sometime between 1962 to 1971. Near mint condition. I’ve fitted it with an Urth M42 to X-mount adapter to work on my Fujifilm X-T2 (crop sensor) so this will be my new ~50mm replacing my Fujinon 35mm. Will be using focal reducers on the other two lenses, most definitely, but this one I’ll likely keep cropped.