I’m leaving Miami for a while. I’m taking a trip across the country. On my scooter. Since my scooter maxes out at 35mph unless I’m going downhill, I can’t take the interstate. And so I will be taking the long way: the winding back roads, the busy streets, and the empty stretches of highway, through the cities, the towns, the hamlets, and the desert.
I’m planning to leave in the middle of this month to arrive in LA on the 22nd of May. On that day, a four-day reunion of sorts begins in LA for kids that grew up in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Spread out across four compounds, our parents all worked for the same oil company and we’re affectionately referred to within this community as Aramco Brats.
My plan is to come back to South Beach, afterward, but I don’t know exactly where I’ll end up. All I know right now is that in under three weeks, I’m going nomadic.
(Also, there are photos up in Street +/ Life, photos that were supposed to be of a neatly stacked pile of red bricks. I didn’t find red bricks but I found an automotive repair shop that was closed for the day.)