South Beach

Michelle, SoFi

Michelle was a friend of a friend. I thought she was beautiful and she wanted to shoot so we did. Would’ve like to have shot her more than just the once. So for this outing, we planned to just shoot around an area known as SoFi, the part of South Beach which is south of …

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Renna Ryann, Garden

This was our third time shooting at the public garden in South Beach. Every time Renna and I shot there, there was always at least one shot that just popped like mad. For this set, I’d consider it any one of the photos of her sitting with her knees up on the bench. 🙂

Renna Ryann, Concrete

The last set we did on that day before Renna drove off into the sunset. This parking garage is a pretty high-usage lot. But we only had one couple pass by while we were shooting. Which was fortunate. That I recall, I shot at that garage four different times with four different models. It’s a …

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Chelsea, Lummus Park

Chelsea was another model shot for the online news/entertainment site out of Costa Rica. Really nice person and fun to shoot. The oddity of shooting at Lummus Park is that it sits on Ocean Drive, one of the most recognizable and defining scenescapes of Miami (though, technically, it’s Miami Beach.) You’ll see everyone shooting there, …

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Vivienne, Red

The third of three sets with Vivienne at El Presidente in South Beach.

Vivienne, Black

For our second shoot, I had booked a room at El Presidente in South Beach to host multiple shoots. This set with Vivienne was a subset of the shoot with her and Gabriella (who wasn’t feeling particularly well that day which is why I ended up taking a lot more photos of Vivienne.)

Vivienne, Pink

The first of three sets with Vivienne at El Presidente in South Beach.

Gabriella, Hotel Room

Gabriella wasn’t feeling particularly well at the shoot so I ended up shooting more individual sets with Vivienne. But we did shoot this one mini-set while they were there.

Vivienne + Gabriella, Hotel Room

The second and last shoot with Vivienne and Gabriella. Fantastic models, fun to work with. Neither went on to pursue modeling as a career although Gabriella ended up moving to Dubai and becoming an Instagram fitness personality with a pretty substantial following.

Steffany, Garage

I set up the first shoot with Steffany at the 1111 parking garage just off of Lincoln Road in South Beach. One of the more peculiar structures on the beach, it has this weird singular shop about halfway up the garage and then the top level has a private residence. Weird. But it has great …

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Jacquelyn, Black

The first of two sets with Jacquelyn, this one in the black bikini, the other in a white bathing suit.

Kendra, South Pointe

Kendra was one of the models I shot specifically for a weekly feature running in a news/entertainment site out of Costa Rica at the time. Shot really well. Beautiful woman. I wish I had done more justice to her eyes because they were just stunning.

Julz, Black

If there is one model who I wish had kept modeling, who lived in the same town as me, and who I shot regularly, Julz might be that model. What was amazing was that she didn’t have that big of a portfolio even though everything she had shot, I felt, was top notch. If only …

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Milan, Bay

The second shoot with Milan, this one on the bay side of South Beach.

Milan, Beach

The first shoot with Milan at Miami Beach. I’ve gone to the beach at  all hours of the day, from South Pointe Park up to the mid-70s, and there is never a time where there aren’t people on the beach.  This was mid-day in South Beach.

Gabriella, Streets of South Beach

Gabriella, Vivienne, and I met at a restaurant close by before venturing out. Shot all along South Pointe before venturing up to the alleyways in SoFi and beyond. Fun day. Shame to lose a newly purchased lens at the end of this shoot but c’est la vie.

Vivienne + Gabriella, South Beach

So when Gabriella showed up with Vivienne, it was a nice treat. And naturally, they coordinated everything ahead of time making shooting them together fantastic.

Model Anon, Rooftop

Shot this lovely human once during the summer of ’14. You’ll notice that the backdrop changes after the first few photos. That was because we were run out of that garage by security. Truly unfortunate because I think the set could’ve been crazy good there. The tall building in the background is the ICON, a …

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Ashley, Urban Jungle Girl

This was on the north side of the beach. Favorite shots? Holding out the peace sign and the two at the end with the solid stance and the building behind.

Nella, Couch

The last set I shot with Nella was on the couch in this condo. Just a gorgeous woman.

Nella, Bedroom

The condo was pretty much just one large room with a kitchen off to the side and a bathroom tucked away in the corner. But it had great decor. And a great balcony. The bedroom and living room sat in the same open space. Of course, Nella being naked in it made it nicer. 🙂

Nella, Hot Pink

The second set with Nella on the balcony, this is one of my favorites with her. And it’s mostly for the colors. Nella’s gorgeous in all of her shots in all of the sets, but this particular color combination was really nice.

Nella, Balcony Living

Nella’s second stay in South Beach was in the same high-rise but a different condo. Actually liked this one a lot more since it had the balcony. Looking back on this, it’s funny because there are literally numerous people working on the other side of the building. There are two different sets we did out …

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Josie, Mask

The first of two solo scenes I shot with Josie for the adult site I was running at the time. This set contains only the stills. That I recall, I never put the video together – I only used a couple of seconds for a promo video. Given her look with the wig, the mask, …

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Katie C, Fetish

The photos in this set with Katie were limited and were strictly supplemental to the videos shot.

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